Certain types of work are considered “disqualifying” once you’ve retired and have begun receiving your pension. Disqualifying employment is any employment for any Local Union or Joint Service Council affiliated with the International Union or for an entity which benefits the members of such Local Unions or Council and which is permitted by the Trustees to participate in this Plan.
If you engage in disqualifying employment, your benefits may be suspended. You will need to notify the SEIU Benefit Funds in writing when your re-employment ends. Your pension benefit may need to be recalculated.
Recalculating Your Benefits After a SuspensionWhen resuming your pension payments, your new benefit will be adjusted to take into account the value of any pension benefits previously received from the Fund as well as additional service credit earned as a result of re-employment. The pension will also be recalculated based on the age of the Participant at the beginning of the first month for which payment is resumed, reduced by the months for which the Participant was entitled to and previously received benefits.
If you retired before you reached Normal Retirement Age, return to work and subsequently retire again, you will be allowed to make a new benefit payment election for any additional service credit you received. If you retired at or after Normal Retirement Age, return to work and subsequently retire again, you will not be allowed to make a new election.
Questions? Refer to your Descripción abreviada del plan for more details or check here to read helpful FAQs.